Customize your credential verification pages

Take your brand to the forefront with Sertifier’s powerful whitelabeling and customization features.
White-labeling empowers your organization to customize the verification page to align precisely with your brand guidelines. By leveraging this advanced functionality, you can create a seamless and branded experience for your recipients.

Customize your credential verification pages

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Your digital badges and certificates will be presented on your domain which will make your earners feel at home.

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List IconMeta Data

Edit metadata of your badge pages to represent your brand while your earners share them on social platforms.

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List IconNavigation Bar

Customize links and buttons on your badge pages to drive traffic to your website.

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Elevate Your Brand Image with Sertifier's White Labeling Feature

With Sertifier's white labeling feature, you have the power to elevate your brand and create a memorable certification experience. Customize your credential website to reflect your brand's personality and values, setting yourself apart in a competitive landscape. Unlock the potential of white labeling and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Dive deep into Totango's journey of brand transformation with Sertifier. Discover how Totango leveraged branding options to redefine its customer training experience, resulting in an elevated brand image and heightened user engagement.

Customer Training and Digital Credentials

Customer Training and Digital Credentials

Top Rated Digital Credentialing Solution

With a remarkable track record of issuing over 8 million credentials, Sertifier offers comprehensive analytics, customizable branding, robust blockchain infrastructure, exceptional customer success services and a user-friendly interface.