
How to Make Money As a Freelance Writer? (A-Z Guide) 

Freelance writing is a lucrative work in today’s digital age where thousands of websites and videos scream for our attention. From copywriting to ghostwriting, there are several areas within freelance writing that a professional can explore and make money with. Wondering how to make money as a freelance writer? This guide is exactly for you. 

We’ll tell you where to begin, how to build strong fundamentals as a writer, and how to finally pitch your freelance services. 

Getting Started With Freelance Writing: The Basics 

Getting Started With Freelance Writing The Basics

The first step in generating wealth out of anything is understanding it thoroughly. Only after you know how something actually works can you use it to your advantage. Let’s explore how and where to start as a freelance content writer so that you can turn it into a profession and make some good bucks. 

Alt Text: Writers can explore various categories for freelance work. 

1. Choose a Niche 

Instead of being a jack of all trades and a master of none, write on one or a few things. It will help you focus on core subjects, learn deeply about them, and develop expertise you can sell. Whether you are interested in technical writing, content marketing, or ghostwriting, deciding what you want to do from the outset is crucial.

What do you want to write about? Is it finance, technology, sports, entertainment, or something else? Once you have chosen your niche, it is time to invest yourself fully and learn the details to become more marketable. 

Working on this fundamental aspect is crucial if your concern is how to make money as a content writer. 

2. Build an Impactful Portfolio 

The question of how to make money as a freelance writer is answered perfectly with a strong portfolio. It shows clients you are capable and talented enough to provide quality work. 

Thankfully, there are several platforms today where you can highlight your talents and let clients notice you. Freelancing websites like Fiverr and Upwork and social media platforms like LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter,) and Facebook are all great options for a start. 

How to Become a Freelance Writer: Some Timeless Lessons 

How to Become a Freelance Writer Some Timeless Lessons

There are thousands of mediocre writers out there who do not get much work, at least not of the best quality. You do not want to be one of those forgotten ones. Making money from your writing is the second step; the first step is always writing in a way people want to read. 

Let us give you some tips on how to make money as a freelance writer by working on the fundamentals.

Spoiler: it is not as hard as you think, even if you have zero experience! 

1. Learn SEO Skills 

If you want to do freelance writing for money, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is at the heart of it all. Since you must compete against all the other writers in your niche, honing SEO skills is critical. It ensures that search engines (which usually means Google) rank your content on first-page search results (FSPR). 

You might not control where a client publishes your writing, but you should still optimize your content to make money freelance writing. 

2. Learn Editing 

Nobody is perfect, so it’s natural to make mistakes that require you to edit your content later. Whenever you hand over your work to the client, thoroughly proofread it and make it error-free. Establish this process for each piece you write before delivering it to clients.

It is normal for clients to ask for revisions, but if they are for mistakes you could’ve easily avoided, they might leave a negative review. Similarly, the client expects you to send them a finalized work copy. It means extra work for them if they need to edit it themselves. 

Although it doesn’t look that hard; editing your work can be tricky. You might overlook mistakes while proofreading your work. That’s where tools like Grammarly tell you exactly where you have flouted grammar rules or misspelled words. 

Here are a few tips that can help you edit your work flawlessly:

  • Read your work out loud to know if it sounds as intended. If not, you can easily catch mistakes and correct them. 
  • Take a 5-10 minute break after finishing writing to transition from writing to editing mode, and it has to do with how our brain functions. We use the right brain when writing because it handles the creative tasks. On the contrary, the left brain deals with logical and analytical tasks, which we use during editing. 
  • They say you should always write from the audience’s point of view. Well, you should read it from the other point of view when editing your work. 
  • Once you think your content is up to the mark, make the necessary tweaks to present it in the most readable manner. It involves applying equal spacing between the lines, suitable fonts, standard font size, and the like. 

3. Be a Good Researcher 

Never forget that your writing is as good as your research. As a freelance writer, you must develop a habit of quality research and backing up your content with authentic citations. However, some articles are opinion-based and do not need citations. 

Since you are an independent professional, you have to learn about the topic on your own and in a limited time. A broad Google search on a topic is a good start, but try to go as deep as possible and link to sources. 

Here is how you can find authentic and reliable sources for your content: 

  • Filter Google search results by opening articles from authentic sources. For instance, if you are writing on economic issues, try the Economist, Forbes, Investopedia, and the like. 
  • If you are adding statistics, try to double and triple-check them from authentic sources to verify their accuracy. 
  • If you start with a less reliable source, try to understand what they are talking about and use that information to search for authentic sources.
  • Google Scholar is an excellent source for research literature on any subject. 
  • Cite your sources at the end of the article, and hyperlink statistics or facts to the relevant websites. 

4. Read Books and Never Stop Learning 

You wouldn’t want to miss this tip if you constantly think about how to become a freelance writer. No matter which niche you write in, books can provide insights and the bigger picture that can help you surpass other writers. These insights are crucial to developing storytelling capabilities, and as we know, stories are 22 times more powerful than facts and figures

You should also follow podcasts, blogs, and websites that are relevant to your niche and content writing in general. They will update you about what’s new in your zone of interest. You can incorporate this development into your writing and make it more appealing to both the readers and the algorithms. 

How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer?

How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer 2

After knowing what you should do to become a quality writer, let’s understand how you can finally start making money from this newfound skill. 

1. Build a Blog or Website 

Building a blog is a great idea if you are wondering how to make money as a freelance writer. It is especially important if you do not have a lot of writing experience because the writing on your blog can be an excellent addition to your portfolio. 

Starting a blog can cost a bit of money, but it is an investment worth making. After all, most successful writers you see today have their blogs, which have helped them land lucrative writing gigs. 

If you think your writing quality is up to the mark, you can even leverage your blog to create guest posting opportunities. Guest posting means writing content for another website while promoting yourself, and it is usually done within one’s niche. 

2. Be Part of a Network 

Networking is so crucial for a freelance writer that it could be a make-or-break factor for your success in this competitive industry. Thankfully, new writers have many opportunities and avenues to build networks that can help them grow. 

You’ll find several writing communities on X, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and even on TikTok. Facebook has several groups where writers can give you valuable advice on writing as well as the industry. You can ask questions and get feedback on your writing to improve it.

3. Start Pitching 

At this point, you have already built a solid portfolio and a decently vast network to start pitching. The reason behind building a portfolio and a network in advance is that it helps you land some work. Even a single recommendation from the right person can smoothen your path toward the very first client, so never underestimate networking. 

Alt Text: Referrals, LinkedIn, cold pitches, and websites are among the best forums to find freelance work. 

Let’s see where you can offer your services:

A. Freelance Marketplaces 

Millions of freelancers are earning a decent buck on freelance platforms and so should you. Services like Fiverr and Upwork are known for their reliability and a vast network of clients ready to hire the best talent. While some people advise against it, saying you compete against bottom-dollar freelancers, it doesn’t have to be this way. 

If you do not compete against bottom-dollar freelancers, you do not have to worry about them. Serious clients are looking for professional services and are ready to pay good money for them. 

B. Cold Pitching 

Another way to get freelance work is through cold pitching, which means creating a work opportunity out of a small opening that you see. For instance, if you want to write for an interesting website, contact its editor.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Always opt for fresh and updated blogs, which shows that the client actually cares about their work and can provide writing opportunities. 
  • If there is an opening for freelance writers on the website, follow the instructions on how to make a pitch.
  • You can also build some rapport with your potential clients by connecting with them on social media.
  • Always pitch with your work samples. It is even better to write one or two sample articles for their website and tell them they’d fit their content. This shows the client that you have actually paid attention to their business. 


conclusion freelance writing

So, you have made it this far, which means you now understand how to make money as a freelance writer. It is a space filled with opportunities. As long as you play your cards right and follow the guidelines we have provided, you have a good chance of success. Make sure you stay updated with Google’s ranking policies, changes in the freelancing industry in general, and freelance writing in particular. 

Barış Bingöl

Barış Bingöl is the Chief Marketing Officer at Sertifier Inc. and works each day to build bridges between their products & services and the individuals & institutions that benefit from them.

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