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Smart Certificate 101: How to Use Sertifier for Credential Management

Creating and credential management smart certificates is now very easy with Sertifier . You no longer need to know / use design programs to design certificates. You can quickly design your own certificate. While doing this design, Sertifier gives you access to many templates. You can obtain many certificates by using Sertifier templates in different combinations. If you have your own designs, you can easily use them by uploading them to the system. At the same time, you can access the certificate designs you have designed before from your Sertifier account and use these certificates again. You can also make changes to the certificates you have previously designed or sent, and send them again. You can create your own smart certificate by entering the relevant information you want in your certificate in the details section. You can also create the outgoing email with the certificate you send with Sertifier. When creating an email, you can select the variables you added before, and add them without having to type them again. Since you have credential management, you can quickly choose to whom to send your smart certificate. It can be sent to smart certificate holders that you have created after you have made your final checks.

Let’s look at how to create a smart certificate with credential management step by step in detail.

After logging in to https://sertifier.com/tr, you can click the Sign Up for Free option in the upper right corner and go to the membership creation page. After you fill in your personal information, you can start using your 1-week Premium membership integrated into your account.

metin içeren bir resim Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

To create a certificate, go to the Send Certificate & Badge option on the dashboard.

Select the Create first submission option to generate your certificate. Enter the name of the certificate you want to send.

metin içeren bir resim Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

Select the Details option to enter the information of the certificate you will create. If you have previously entered details in the details section, you can find it here. If you are going to enter details for the first time, select the create detail first option. Here, first select the event type for which you want to create your certificate. Then enter the information about your event. In the 3rd part, enter the information about your certificate. In the last part, add what the people to whom you will send the certificate have learned from this activity in the skills section. If you have added skills before, you can find them below and use them again. Credential management can be done easily from the details section.

After completing the details of your certificate, go to the select design option to create your design. Click on the Select a certificate design option to create your design.

You can find the designs you have created before and use them again. If you are going to create a design for the first time, select the create first design option. You can use the templates available here or upload your own designs.

metin içeren bir resim Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

Select the edit option to edit your email information to which you will send the certificate you created. If you have created an email before, you can use it again or select the option to create your first email. Here you can edit the content of the email you will send in detail. You can add the variables you have added before and add them to your mail, and you can save your mail by selecting the save option.

After saving your e-post content, fill in the information below.

Another important step for credential management is adding recipients. Select the select recipient list button to choose who you want to send your certificate to. If you are creating it for the first time, select the add first recipient option. Enter the recipient information, if you have an Excel file containing the recipient information, you can import it directly.

To review the email and certificate you created for the last time, select the edit option and click the check summary and preview button. After reviewing the e-mail and certificate, you can send the test certificate to see how the e-mail and certificate will look, or you can send it directly by selecting the confirm sending summary option. Select the send option at the top right to send the e-mail and certificate you have created.

Select the confirm option to submit your submission.

Thanks to these steps, you can create smart certificates by not only creating certificates but also by credential management with Sertifier.

Barış Bingöl

Barış Bingöl is the Chief Marketing Officer at Sertifier Inc. and works each day to build bridges between their products & services and the individuals & institutions that benefit from them.

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