What Awaits Educators in 2021?
The remote education system has been in practice for about a year now and as a matter of fact, no one knows when the face to face education will start, as the risk of Covid-19 is still ongoing. While 2020 is a year of individual awareness for both educators and students for some other people it was a year of full with challenges. As a result of the researches, it is possible to see both the positive and negative aspects of the model.
Let’s examine the issues that educators should pay more attention to the outputs of the ongoing distance education model.
1- Determination of Learning Losses
Students who couldn’t access the technological devices and infrastructure couldn’t reach education. Compensation programs should be established to determine these learning losses and to ensure equality.
2- Solving Communication Disruptions
Social isolation has limited the communication of both educators and students with each other. It is observed that students lack motivation and lesson participation rates. Platforms should be created to ensure the continuity of communication between school administrators and teachers during the period when schools are closed, as well as continuity of communication and interaction between teachers.
3- Methods to Increase the Use of New Technologies
In order to ensure the permanence of the digital transformation training methods should be created that include these technologies. For instance, using an online badge generator.
4- Adapting Students to the Re-Schooling System
When the face to face education starts we may notice that many students have lost their bond with the school. Educators will need to redesign the channels of communication in order to engage with students. This thinking and designing process may require restructuring to improve learning.

During the crisis period, surviving, resisting the crisis and making a good start after the pandemic ends depends on to make fast and effective decisions. The attitude of the institutions should be clear in an environment where emergency measures must be taken and implemented. Educational institutions, must learn from the previous year in order to take early decisions after the crisis. Especially, the effects of a broken economy must be minimized before it effects on the education system. Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict when the epidemic will end. Still, it is necessary to make decisions from know hows and future investment choices.
Many more can be listed among these titles by looking at the outcomes of 2020. The important thing is to get educators ready to returning to face-to-face education. Hopefully next academic year won’t be as challenging as the previous year. Nevertheless we are confident that every step we take carefully will bring success.