Digital Credentials

How Can Certificates and Badges Become Smart and Digital?

In a world where everything is digitalized, it is inevitable for certificates and badges to be digitized. Digitalization simply means converting something from analog format to digital format. Examples of digitalization can be given from many areas. For example; we can use e-mail instead of letters and e-books instead of books. With the use of digitalization in every part of life day by day, human life is getting easier than ever before. These days which we have difficult times around the world, we feel the effects of technological tools and digitalization even more while shopping, storing documents, writing essays, studying or trying to continue our business life, and for many other things. We continue our existence in these areas digitally and differently from normal life due to the pandemic, and this digital transformation creates creative destruction as Schumpeter says. On the one hand, this creative destruction has ended the existence of some sectors on the other hand it also created some new sectors. For example, in the digitalizing world and with the effect of pandemic conditions, people can even handle their grocery shopping on digital screens. This type of start-up paves the way for the rapid transformation and digitalization of human life. Smart certificates and digital badges are one of the necessary and prominent titles in our digitalizing world for many sectors.

In a period when our entire life cycle is transferred to the digital environment, such innovations provide some processes to be shorter. For smart certificates, when we consider the situation in the individual view, it removes time-consuming processes Such as archival storage, duplication for job application, sharing with firms, or knowing the retirement date with the function of querying with QR code and serial number. In addition, it also prevents the use of fake certificates. When we look at the situation from the perspective of the institution, this transformation reduces costs, saves time and paper, and allows data to be stored in a secure environment, and gives the ability to share the data quickly. Digital badges allow us to verify our achievements and easily share them with the rest of the world, including employers.

The contribution of digital transformation to smart certificates and digital badges is as follows.

  • Paper printing and archiving costs are eliminated by digitalizing of all processes
  • Storage costs are eliminated.
  • With the dynamics of  data recording in the digital world, the error rate is reduced, the files wont be lost and it will always be able to accessed within seconds when it is necessary
  • Minimize the use of paper, it prevents cutting down of trees whit this and it contributes to the sustainability of natural life

We have listed the contributions of digital transformation in this field. So how do companies achieve this transformation?

  • First of all, the company should report its current situation objectively and determine its position in the digitalization process.
  • “Digitalization Strategy” should be determined after the current situation analysis.
  •  The importance of digitalization should be mentioned to all employees, teammates and senior managers and the level of awareness should be increased.
  • The obtained results should be reported in comparison with the pre-digitization.

After all these transformations, the company will be able to get maximum efficiency by making a minimum effort with its smart certificate and digital badge. These conditions will provide to protect the environment while it will also contribute to the company’s sustainability.

Arda Helvacılar

Greetings, this is Arda. I am the founder of Sertifier and a devoted edtech enthusiast.

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