What Recruiters Seek In Resumes
What recruiters seek in resumes? Deep dive into skill-based hiring: Human resources is a vital part of a company. After the infant stage of the firm has passed and first people who are not a friend are being hired, it is in the utmost interest of the company to hire the best people in their fields but also the best-fitted people to their company and corporate culture. Because more and more the data shows that a lot of the problems in a company are often caused by a poorly managed recruitment process that ends up with unsuccessful hiring.
This is why more attention is now shown to that process. Companies are doing their best to come up with the best solution, and job seekers are trying to match their expectations in their resumes. Therefore, what the recruiters seek is resumes are changing, as well as the format and the content of the resumes. This change is, however, quite expected. Everything in the business world has changed significantly over the last decade, so it is only right that the recruitment process and the tools adapt to that change too.
So in this blog, we will try to give you 5 things about what recruiters seek in resumes?
- Skills
Resumes are nothing, if they are not representing your skills. Skills are immensely important because before everything, you have to show your potential employer that you have the necessary capabilities and you can do the job. Everything starts after that.
The title of this article says “What recruiters seek in resumes? Deep dive into skill-based hiring.” And it is not for nothing. Skill-based hiring is the new phenomenon that rules the HR. It basically means that old stuff that mattered the most such as where you went to college and what degree you had with what GPA is no longer that important. Of course, they are quite good measure of what you are made of but there are new ways to show your capabilities. Technology allows us to use the data in our hands most precisely to come up with right analysis of the skillsets of the individuals. Thus, anyone can apply to any job as long as they are trained in any way. You don’t need a diploma to work at Google, soon to work at everywhere.
- Work Experience
I just told you that skills were the most important thing that you can display about yourself and talked to you about how technology can help in that sense. There’s also one other aspect that can help with that: your experiences.
However, experiences do not help on their own. You can list every place that you did an internship and then worked but if you do not find a way to actually explain what you did and what kind of abilities you showed there to add value to the place you worked for, they mean nothing to the recruiter.
Their interest is to see how you can improve the company and you have to use your experiences as a proof of concept. Each line can have a small explanation just below, briefly mentioning what you did specifically and how it helped the firm’s overall success. Do not use fancy words, just be honest and right to the point.
- Education
This is a no brainer and I do not want to repeat myself, but what you study is no longer sufficient on its own. You have to back it up with proofs, projects, and extra-curriculars to clarify your story. If you make your path visible to the recruiter, they will be able to walk the path and see how you improved along the way. Otherwise, your degree will be just another paper copy that came to their desk every single day.
- Format, language, grammar!
These are all in the same category, because they all represent one thing: how much you cared for the resume. If you have a sloppy grammar and language in a bad formatted resume, they you are pretty much showing that you did not give enough attention and did not respect the person who is reviewing it.
It is so easy to double check: just read it one more time. Do not waste your chance because of some typos.
- Keep it short and to the point
There’s this saying that: “If you cannot explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” It seems as though it does not fully apply here but it actually does. Resumes are your life stories, told in a specific way to display your skills. Make sure you understand it yourself first and tell it shortly but fully, so that anyone can understand it without much bother. A long resume has the risk of boring the reader and causing a bad result. Here you have it: a short survival guide in the skill-oriented business world. We hope that these will help you on your next job hunt! Enrich your resume by including information on the open badges you have received.