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Podcasts to Listen to Improve Your Coaching Skills

Coaching could be a lucrative career or a side gig if you enjoy bringing the best of our people and have a talent for teaching. The best way to improve your skills is learning from more experienced people, and coaching is not any different. By listening to podcasts by experienced coaches, you can improve your coaching and learn valuable skills to teach others. We compiled a list of the best coaching podcasts that you should listen to improve your coaching skills. Even if you are an experienced coach, we are sure that you can find some valuable information in these podcasts.

1- The Coaching Podcast

The Coaching Podcast is hosted by Simon Blair and Emma Doyle, who analyze the similarities and differences between coaching in business and in sport. They invite a variety of guests, including leadership advisors, conference speakers, entrepreneurs, coaches, and athletes, to share their perspectives on the issues they confront and the solutions they take to overcome them. The podcast is both entertaining and informative, and it provides valuable insights into the world of coaching.

2- WorkLife

WorkLife is a TED original podcast hosted by organizational psychologist Adam Grant. The podcast features interviews with uncommon professionals who have achieved success in their chosen job or profession by overcoming obstacles and problems. Adam’s aim is to disseminate knowledge through these interviews and help listeners learn from the experiences of professionals. WorkLife is a must-listen for aspiring coaches who want to learn from the best.

3- Coaches Rising

Coaches Rising is a training company that offers paid training to coaches. However, they also have a podcast where they share knowledge for free. The podcast features interviews with professional coaches who share their expertise and insights. This is one of the best podcasts to listen to if you are an aspiring coach or want to learn from experienced professionals.

Coaching podcasts
Coaching Podcasts

4- Coaching for Leaders

Coaching for Leaders is a popular leadership and coaching podcast hosted by Dr. Dave Stachowiak. The podcast has been broadcasting since 2011 and has attracted over 25 million downloads. The podcast features over 300 episodes of actionable insight, fascinating speakers, and entertaining delivery. Coaching for Leaders is a great resource for coaches who want to develop their leadership abilities and improve their coaching skills.

5- Excellent Executive Coaching

Excellent Executive Coaching is a podcast hosted by Dr. Katrina Burrus. The podcast provides coaching methodologies and helpful resources for professional coaches in a relaxed and informal setting. The podcast features interviews and dialogues between professional leaders and educators from around the world, resulting in a diverse collection of stories and recommendations. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of continuing education for professional coaches because learning is a lifelong process.

6- The Mind Your Business Podcast

The Mind Your Business Podcast is hosted by James Wedmore, a business coach and entrepreneur. The podcast focuses on mindset, personal development, and strategies for building a successful business. As a coach, it’s important to understand the business side of coaching, and this podcast can provide valuable insights.

7- The Life Coach School Podcast

The Life Coach School Podcast, hosted by Brooke Castillo, is a podcast for life coaches and anyone interested in personal development. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including mindset, emotional management, and communication skills. It’s a great resource for coaches who want to improve their own lives and help their clients do the same.

Best coaching podcasts
Best coaching podcasts

8- The Tony Robbins Podcast

The Tony Robbins Podcast is hosted by world-renowned life coach and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins. The podcast features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, athletes, and thought leaders. It’s a great source of inspiration and motivation for coaches who want to help their clients achieve their goals.

9- The Art of Coaching Podcast

The Art of Coaching Podcast, hosted by Brett Bartholomew, is a podcast for coaches who want to improve their coaching skills and develop better relationships with their clients. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including communication, leadership, and psychology.

10- The Coaching Habit

The Coaching Habit, hosted by Michael Bungay Stanier, is a podcast for anyone who wants to be a better coach or manager. The podcast covers a variety of topics, including coaching skills, communication, and leadership. It’s a great resource for coaches who want to improve their skills and help their clients achieve their goals.

In conclusion, podcasts are a great way to improve your coaching skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques. The podcasts listed above provide valuable insights into the world of coaching and offer practical tips and advice for aspiring and experienced coaches alike. We recommend that you start with one of these podcasts and work your way up from there. Happy listening!

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Explore These Podcasts For Coaching Skills

If you want to teach others, you need to first learn from more experienced coaches. These podcasts provide vast amounts of knowledge and are sure to improve your coaching skills. There are many other podcasts that you can listen to as well, but we recommend that you start from one from this list and work your way up from there.

Barış Bingöl

Barış Bingöl is the Chief Marketing Officer at Sertifier Inc. and works each day to build bridges between their products & services and the individuals & institutions that benefit from them.

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