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Free Educational Training for New Teachers

4 Best Educational Training Platforms for Teachers

As instructors, we are interested in learning new skills as well as teaching and nurturing students to become the greatest versions of themselves. We need to be well to provide the greatest education possible for our children, and to do so, we must spend time and occasionally money on ourselves. Those of us on a tight budget are often on the hunt for online free educational training programs. One of the important benefit of these online educational trainings is open badge. You can add your open badges to your resume, portfolio and even on your LinkedIn profile.

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT is a world-class university in a multitude of fields. For the seventh year in a row, the QS World Institution Rankings named MIT the best university worldwide in 2019. Everyone wishes they could learn from MIT, and the excellent news is that they can! MIT has made sections of its large collection of course materials available to the public for free viewing. There is a list of graduate and undergrad courses for instructors to have under the Education / Training category within the MIT OpenCourseWare program finder. These online modules include recorded lecture recordings, allowing instructors to view seminars delivered by MIT’s leading lecturers in the subject.


Promising Practices in Online Teaching and Learning by Keith Restine

Keith Restine originally prepared and released this educational training program for internal distribution in order to assist his colleagues in adjusting to remote teaching. Restine has graciously made his online tutoring course available to all instructors under the Creative Commons. The goal of this course is to teach instructors how to conceive and administer an online teaching program. This curriculum will include online group activities, active learning methodologies, and time management. This online educational training is among the most comprehensive, and it includes a free coursebook of 92 pages.

Instructional Design Models by the University of Maryland on edX

Instructional Development Models is a component of the University of Maryland’s Interactive Technology and Design MicroMasters Programme on edX. This course teaches instructors how to create online lesson plans, facilitate student engagement, and ask questions that elicit intelligent replies. This course is designed for instructors who are fascinated by the emergence of online education and want to see what concepts can be implemented into traditional methods to teach. Participants who are interested in this course can participate for free, with the opportunity to upgrade to a digital certificate or even pursue the complete MicroMasters program for a fee.

4 Best Educational Platforms for Teachers
4 Best Educational Platforms for Teachers

English Teaching Courses by British Council

British Council is one of the leading organizations that help students and teachers all over the world with the English language. Just as students can tap on the resources published by the British Council as part of their independent learning exercises, teachers can similarly learn to teach English! The British Council offers free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the content that they share are frequently switched around. Currently, the Teaching for Success series seeks to inform teachers about the latest developments in English teaching from using multimedia sources to multilingualism.

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