Value of Online Visibility Of Digital Certificates
In a world that is becoming more and more digital every day, our online visibility has become increasingly important. The identities we create in the online world play an important role in every aspect of our lives. The situation is no different when we are looking for a job.
We now upload our CVs online to platforms such as LinkedIn and use the identities we have created in the digital world. The stronger these identities are, the stronger our chance of working in the jobs we dream of. One of the most important roles in creating our online identity falls on digital certificates and badges. These smart documents provide a lot of information about us and make the whole process easy. Thanks to digital certificates and documents, certificate holders get rid of problems such as loss and obsolescence caused by physical certificates, and they also gain many conveniences. The fact that the certificates obtained as a result of long efforts are in physical formats which makes them non-sharable on the internet, reduces their value.
Why Online Visibility of Certificates Is Important?
Digital certificates and badges are ready to be shared on any platform you want. These certificates not only make your training and qualifications visible online but also eliminate the trust problem in certificate sharing. As it is known to everybody, it is very simple to copy non-digital certificates and defraud people. Digital certificates, on the other hand, ensure the reliability of the information you share, thanks to the technologies they use. In this way, all doubts about your digital identity being a fake one, are eliminated.
Digital Certificates are Transparent
The authenticity of the documents you share can be easily checked online, which makes your online identity secure and transparent. Digital certificates and badges can also keep all the details of the education you received. In this way, not only the name of the education you received, but also all the documents, from the courses you took to the CVs of the teachers who thaught these courses, are accessible. While this increases your online visibility, it highlights the details about you and the education you received.
Likewise, institutions can benefit from the opportunities offered by digital certificates and open badges in various ways. Institutions that integrate smart documents into their training programs take an important step in getting the maximum benefit from their trainings. The motivation of the candidates who will obtain a digital certificate that will accompany them throughout their business life, at the end of the training increases significantly. At the same time, the online visibility of institutions skyrockets thanks to the smart documents provided. Thanks to these documents, the educational culture within the institution gets better, while the document holders strengthen their digital identities. These documents that employees add to their CVs also make the institution they work for more visible. At the same time, thanks to digital documents, it is certified that individuals have improved themselves throughout the process they work in these institutions. This makes these institutions even more valuable in the eyes of employees.
For the reasons we have listed, smart documents affect both individuals and institutions positively. These documents provide reliable information about institutions and individuals while increasing your online visibility. Considering the digitalization trend accelerated by the pandemic process, it seems that digital certificates and badges will be more important for each actor in the business world.