Top 10 Employee Recognition Gift Ideas for 2024
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The word “Employee Appreciation” is spreading like fire, and in this article, we will list our top employee recognition gift ideas! It is the talk of the town! Many organizations, large or small, are putting in extra effort to recognize their employees for their achievements. It helps create a comfortable ambiance where employees feel nurtured, cared for, and, most importantly, loved.
Today, many institutions, organizations, firms, and even online platforms are offering skill-development programs with digital certificates.
Appreciating someone is a kind of kindness, and studies show that organizations that appreciate their employees have a better employee retention rate. Around 55 percent of employers interviewed see the act of thankfulness, recognition, and appreciation as an essential contributor to employee retention.
Our Employee recognition gift ideas go past just mere gestures of appreciation. These gifts convey much more than that. They represent the value your business attaches to contributions your employees make. It leads to the culmination of a deeper emotional bond your employees will develop with your organization, hence, facilitating employee retention and loyalty.
The importance of recognizing employees has spread worldwide as there is even an Employee Appreciation Day, observed on the first Friday of every March. The aim was to acknowledge the efforts employees put into their work to help your business grow. Employees are indeed the lifeblood of any business. If not for loyal employees, an organization cannot grow to great heights!
Top 10 Employee Recognition Gift Ideas Trending in 2024
Here is the list of top 10 picks for the 2024 season:
#1 Company Gifts
A great way to both appreciate and market a brand is by gifting company logo-labeled gifts. These are not random items but things employees can use at the office, at home, or wherever possible. The most common gift items include water bottles, lunch boxes, a flower vase, a pencil kit, a bag such as a tote bag, a shawl, a sweatshirt, a pen, and the like.
Apart from the classic gifts listed above, you can also go for unconventional items, such as a novel, comic books, show pieces, sweaters or snacks for pets, and kitchen gloves or crockery. It adds a bit of fun, and you never know if those might be the items your employees were stalling to buy.
#2 Spa Coupons
Who doesn’t like a warm, relaxing, and spirit-elevating message, touching all your senses and bringing in fresh energy? Nothing can beat a time well spent in a luxury spa offering messages of all types from head to toe, with manicures and pedicures, to feel pampered. It is the perfect reward for all the long and hectic hours spent in the office or on projects with strict deadlines.
Provide your employees with massage gift cards and spa coupons so that they relieve all their stress and come back to the office with fresh energy.
#3 Offer Continued Educational Opportunities So They Can Grow
A study by Looman shows that 86 percent of millennials will not leave their current position if their employer offers training and development opportunities. Employees feel confident when they learn things going on in trend and are better able to use their capabilities to the best of their potential for the organizations they work for.
Not only this, over 70 percent of high-retention-risk employees will leave their company to join another firm that will help advance their career. In short, retention rates can rise 30 to 50 percent for companies that base their principles on strong learning cultures.
That is why training needs assessment matters for large organizations to assess the gap in performance levels of their employees and ways to enhance them.
#4 Night Outs, Movie Tickets, and More!
For collectively thanking employees for the effort they extended to make a project a huge success, a fun night out together is worth celebrating. Such non-word activities help create a feeling of togetherness, a bond between bosses and employees. You can also pair cinema tickets with a gift card to a nice fine-dining restaurant or book seats at the next soccer game with free drink vouchers. Options are plenty.
The key lies in making combinations to sum up a nice night out. So, if you offer a night out at an opera show, gift a food coupon too that they can use at their favorite eatery.
#5 Allowing To Bring Pet On A Work Day
Numerous studies show that having pets in the workplace improves mental health. Organizations that work on the principles of improving mental health have higher employee retention rates as well as gain high revenue. A happy employee will contribute more!
You can let your employees bring their pets once a week or a month, whatever suits best and is convenient for the rest of the employees.
Be mindful of allergies when introducing this employee appreciation tactic. It can alienate certain employees from the office who are not too pet-friendly, as some can have strong reactions to animals. In such cases, you can offer a special place to an employee bringing a pet to your office.
#6 Certificate of Appreciation
The traditional way to recognize your employee efforts is to award them a certificate of appreciation, with all their achievements very well mentioned. What is a certificate of commendation? It is a piece of document that highlights the name of the employee, the project they took, and their accomplishments.
Not only this, companies should offer certifications when implementing training programs. Such online badges add to the accolades of their employees and, in return, help them gain confidence as their profile becomes heavier.
#7 Offering Some Extra Vacation Time Is Always Nice
One of the best ways to reward your employees’ hard work and effort is to offer them extra vacation time. Giving them four days or a week more will not hurt your company’s output but will surely gain the praise of your employees for you. This way of appreciation will pay you off in the long run, as a happy employee is willing to go the extra mile if their employers are. You gain both the trust and loyalty of your employees.
#8 What About Filling Office With Pillows and Blankets?
Studies show that allowing employees to have a 30-minute power nap at offices can considerably improve their work performance. Brain activity increases after a refreshing power nap; your employee might finish what can take several hours to finish a task in half the time.
Pillows and blankets make the environment cozy, and employees get a homely feel in their offices. Besides, there is always that one employee who finds air conditioning either too hot or too cold. Put an end to such complaints by introducing blankets in your offices. Not only will your employees appreciate the kind gesture, but they will feel motivated to work more.
#9 Fresh Flowers or Evergreen Plants
Today, Hybrid setting is prevalent much more, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sending flowers or a cactus to your employees working from home is a great way to appreciate their efforts. A gift of fresh blooms can never go wrong. Not only that, the plants at the desk look nice too. It reminds your employee that their work is worthy every day when they water them at their desk.
#10 A Gift Basket of Goodies!
A basket full of goodies of fresh cookies, muffins, nuts, or something for personal use, such as creams, lotions, and potions, is always a delight. Keep note of what your employees like. If someone is good at art, maybe you can gift a basket full of colors, brushes, and canvasses. There are several things we can do with a gift basket.
In a nutshell
Gifts are a great way to recognize your employees’ hard work. People professionals who make an effort to make employees feel nurtured and loved are better able to retain talent. Employees feel appreciated when companies understand their needs. A gift card, spa voucher, verified digital badges, allowing pets on special days, and the like will lead to employee happiness and better mental health.