Tips for Making the Online Classroom More Interesting
Online education has become a part of our lives in 2020. Many institutions have managed to turn online education and this process in their favor. Although face-to-face learning has a different place in learning, today’s experiences and digitalization show that using technology more and more effectively in learning has become very important for educational institutions.
The replacement of physical classrooms by online classrooms has been a difficult process for teachers and students to adapt to. Keeping students’ interest in the lesson alive, especially with the comfort of home, has become an important problem for teachers to solve.
We’ll review some tips for teachers to help make their online classes more engaging.
Learn the System First
Especially during the lesson, not being able to master the technical details in the system and having problems during the lesson due to this cause the students to lose their concentration and become distracted. For this reason, first you need to be familiar with the system and application so that you can avoid problems that may occur during the lesson.
Right Start
Chatting with students at the start of the lesson will give them the opportunity to socialize and focus their attention on the lesson and the online classroom. Making this a routine will be enjoyable for students and teachers.
Time Is Much More Important
It is much easier to get distracted by students in online classes than face-to-face education. For this reason, it is necessary to pay more attention to time than normal. Dividing the lesson into chapters will help. We can divide these sections into two bases as education-oriented departments and departments where students can focus their attention. In this way, getting students to get their attention back when they start to get distracted will help you have a much more efficient online course.
In Closing As Important As Opening
Before completing and ending your lesson, you can make a “Closing Event” activity. You can provide time and environment for each student to share what he / she learned the most about the subject-what he / she has in mind or is curious about. Creating this routine is an important step for the students to make a small repetition of the lesson and to stay in the last part of their mind about the lesson in order to create a pleasant routine for them.
Interactive Education Is Always Effective
It’s always important to be interactive. Enabling the student to participate in the lesson with the teacher will make it more enjoyable for the student to teach in the online classroom. Various methods can be used to do this. For example, survey questions to be asked during the lesson and that everyone can join quickly, creating sections where ideas are exchanged on the subject are some of them. You may knowingly make mistakes in certain parts, especially during the lesson. In this way, you can give students the opportunity to correct and measure their attention.