Monthly Updates

Sertifier Monthly Updates | September

Hello there,

We’ve been away for a while! In the meantime, we’ve made a lot of improvements in Sertifier and we’re back with good news. We can’t wait to share them with you; let’s take a look at September updates!

September in Metrics:

september metrics

Thanks to your enthusiasm and motivation to make digital credentials a habit!

G2 fall reports

G2 Fall Reports are out!

As the top-rated digital credential management software, we are proud to share the good news! Thank you for your support. 

Product Updates:

Sertifier App Dashboard
Sertifier App Dashboard

Compact, clean and convenient. New Dashboard.

To enhance the dashboard experience, we renovated the interface with a modern look and detailed analytics.

 Explore now!

sertifier dashboard clean


Ready for a new look? Analytics has been updated to include more specific, visually supported reports! Discover the newest:

  •  Credential Reports
  • Marketing & Ads
  • Recipient Engagement
  • Event Logs

new designs

New designs at 9 o’clock! 

We’ve added brand new badge designs to the designer tool. These colorful and diverse badges will suit your brand better!

earning criteria

Earning takes effort!

Our new feature: Earning Criteria! Now you can show which achievements are required to earn a particular credential.

Sertifier Webinar Series!

This September, we held the first two sessions of Sertifier’s Webinar Series. A big thanks to our dear guests, SAGA Wisdom and Totango 🙏 We had a lot of fun and look forward to meeting you in a new webinar! 

totango logo
saga logo

Barış Bingöl

Barış Bingöl is the Chief Marketing Officer at Sertifier Inc. and works each day to build bridges between their products & services and the individuals & institutions that benefit from them.

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