Sertifier | Begins
I brought great news from Sertifier ! We closed our second investment round. We left 722 days behind since the first day we set out. We tried to do a lot of work in a really short time. We have created a great team. We are moving forward with all our enthusiasm in order to achieve our goals.
But first…
What is a Sertifier?
Sertifier is a joint-stock company, officially established in May 2019. It has two main products. The first is the certificate automation application that gives the company its name, the Sertifier Application, and the second is the Verified Application, which provides individuals with skills-oriented development and career journeys.
Sertifier Application
Certificates have been the great answer tool for “What have you learned from this education?” question. They can be documented, remembered, and new training sequences can be put on them. However, when the year became 2020, it was meaningless that these certificates continued to remain paper. It was even more pointless to see it as just a design. So, we made them reach the age that we live in. We made sure that the new phase is destructive and innovative. We produced smart certificates. With smart certificates, education has become portable. Both individuals and institutions can always access who learns what. We know the skills are gained by the individual with the certificate. We also list which professions these skills are related to and which more skills it should acquire. We ensure that certificates are shared on social media, we support their direct addition to LinkedIn. The institution can follow up, and the certificate holder can. At any time, everyone can follow all the data at any rate. It’s also extremely easy to use. There are also plenty of users.
We are sure that the main reason for a person who does not know what to learn is not related with the reluctance of the person. The individual does not know what he knows. He needs to list what he’s done so he knows what he knows. There is this CV, isn’t it enough? Not enough. All this education and experience should be matched with skills in one place.
Gold, oil, skills…
Individuals can place all the education they receive in Verified. All of it. From Coursera to in-company training; From his diplomas to a short webinar, he can collect it all in one place. Verified labels them while collecting, and in a smart way. By using our skills library. We measure the competencies of the individual according to his profession. We score what we measure. We give feedback. We tell the individual what to learn in accordance with their skills. It keeps track of its daily calendar and follows it regularly. It follows those who produce content and those who like to consume content. He always knows what he’s learning and displays what he needs to learn. It can also open its constantly updated portfolio to everyone.
What we achieved so far?
We are in 8 countries with our two applications. We have produced more than 1 million documents. We received, processed, matched, and listed 1.5 million skills data. We know which profession corresponds to which skill. We can tell you which skills you can go to which profession. We work with 132 institutions from 8 countries. Monthly subscription works in Sertifier and the freemium model for Verified. We only advertised Verified through Sertifier. We got 14k downloads and we have 4.1 stars in the mobile app markets.
We dream, we believe, and we will achieve
Why did we get the investment? We need friends in our team to process the data. We have competitors in the countries we are involved in. We have operations that grow with every collaboration and customer acquisition; however, in individualized and skills-oriented training, we have a little more way in with our products. While opening up to new markets, we both develop our products and introduce ourselves to the market.
What’s next?
We will be reaching 15 countries in 2021. We will be working with at least 500 customers. OECD sees individualized education as a must for 2025. We will be the first global company to achieve this level with end-to-end solutions. Let the professions and education remain in 2017, in 2020 the only thing is skills and we know them. We will make them introduce you too.
We received our first investment from Tarvenn Ventures. I would like to thank them for continuing to stay with us in the second round of investment.
Endless thanks to our new investors Lima Ventures and TechOne Ventures, who believed in the way dreamed the world and supported us through. We believed; we will succeed with you.
Educational technologies are a matter of belief. It is not possible to do it superficially. Details are important, but taking fast actions and decisions is also imperative. It is a model that we are passionate about doing great things in a short time. Again, in a short time, we will achieve everything we dream of.
On behalf of Sertifier – Arda, CEO