Digital Certificates

The Importance of Certificates

Imagine that you are a business owner who is looking to hire some new staff. On your desk sits a stack of applications and they all look about the same. How do you decide which candidates you wish to interview? How do you evaluate their knowledge and competences? It is here that credentials from the industry and certificates come into play. In this blog you will learn the importance of certificates and digital credentials.

How Important Are Certificates?

Not only do people want to learn a new skill, but they also want to use those skills as well. Digital credentials like certificates come into play here. It is proven that offering learners a certificate increases the attendance of a course. Enterprises are crying out for highly qualified employees with valuable industry credentials. Finding, hiring, and retaining high-quality employees is a monumental task. But, industry-recognized credentials help employers validate the knowledge and skills of potential employees and save valuable time in assessing the skills of job applicants. This is why people are more interested in e-learning businesses that provide credentials for completing the courses.

the importance of certificates

Another, often overlooked but much more important benefit of digital certificates is that they create an organic promotion for your business. Whenever your learners use, share or add their certificates to their LinkedIn page, they also promote your business for free. This can be as effective of a promotion as word-of-mouth since your target audience can see these certificates often from their peers. This creates credibility, unlike others for your business. If you would like to learn more about how to create certificates in MS Word, check our tutorial blog post.

The Importance of Certificates From Sertifier

There is not a single reason to not use certificates and this is where Sertifier comes in. Sertifier allows you to create certificates online, and send and store smart certificates and priceless educational data for your business. You can integrate Sertifier into your website for a more complete learning experience within your e-learning page!

That is all for now! We hope we can communicate the importance of digital credentials well enough. Reach out to us if you need anything, and check out our blogs which were created for educators. We also have a free e-guide for educational technologies, which you can find on the Sertifier blog site as well. Start promoting your e-learning business now!

If you want to read more about the importance of certificates, here is another blog for you: Can Digital Certificates Get Your Sales Up?

Barış Bingöl

Barış Bingöl is the Chief Marketing Officer at Sertifier Inc. and works each day to build bridges between their products & services and the individuals & institutions that benefit from them.

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