How to integrate Sertifier and Google Forms on Zapier?
Preparation Step: Sertifier
First, you need to set up an account. Currently, only Premium and Premium+ account owners have access to an API Key. If you are not signed up yet, you can use this link.
Now let’s design a certificate on Sertifier. If you need a helping hand on that, check this manual.
Integration On Zapier
Open your Zapier account. On the main page, upper-left corner, you will see a “+” sign. When you hover over it, you will see “Make a Zap”, click that.
Integration Step: Google Forms
In the “Choose App & Event” section, write “Google Forms” on the search bar and click the icon that appears below.
You should see “Sign in to Google Forms” in a blue box. Click that and activate your Google Account on the pop-up window. This is necessary for Zapier to connect two applications.
Go to your form and create a new spreadsheet to save all the answers. In the “Customize Response” section select the spreadsheet you created as the “Spreadsheet” and the file that your responses go as the “Worksheet”.
You can skip the test by clicking the button in the right corner.
Integration Step: Sertifier
The “Do this…” part has a “Choose App & Event” section also. Type in the search box “Sertifier” and click on our logo below.
Extend the “Choose Action Event” menu and select the “Add & Publish Single Recipients” option.
Now you need to select the “Choose Account” and type in your Sertifier API Key.
We will be matching the details of our certificates with our Google Forms answers in the “Add & Publish Single Recipients” section. Here is an example:
Click “Continue” and skip the test.
Your Zap is ready! Now turn it on with the button below or on the top right.
This setup will add a recipient automatically to every respondee of your form. To sending certificates just select your Draft in the Send dashboard and click send.