About Sertifier

How Does Sertifier Increase Your Value?

After most of the events that we participate in or small and big achievements, we get printed certificates. No matter how important, most of the certificates got lost in the space.

As diplomas are not sufficient enough today, other certificates that we earn are also played an important role in our résumés. Certificates that we earn during our education life and careers can be a game-changer, but printed certificates make it almost impossible to organize and add the certificates to our résumés. Because printed certificates cannot be stored and it is impossible to verify them. Smart certificates solve this problem easily.

You can collect all of the certificates you earned with the help of the Sertifier’s smart certificate system and store them securely. With blockchain technology, it is possible to store data securely. Institutions can always verify your certificates with QR codes, serial numbers, and time stamps therefore your certificates become more valuable. 

Institutions issuing certificates can now design and send certificates in under five minutes and store them forever. Therefore, educations become more valuable and costs are reduced. 

With all the possibilities Sertifier provides a healthy and secure credentialing system between institutions and people. Welcome to the age of smart certificates!

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