Digital Certificates for Different Sectors
Companies, universities, or individuals have turned to online training to improve themselves / their students/employees to use the pandemic process positively. Increasing online education supply has brought diversity and competition with it. At this point, educators had the opportunity to switch more easily to the more efficient personalized learning technique with the time and space savings that come with the transition of training to online platforms.
Many types of research in this field also give results that prove that personalized education is more successful. For example, according to the research of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the success rate in schools where personalized education is implemented is higher than the success rate in schools that do not. According to this study, students’ achievement in mathematics and grammar, to whom the personalized education approach was applied, increased significantly compared to other students.
So What is Personalized Learning?
Personalized education; Learning programs, which are created according to a student’s learning priorities, interests, wishes, weaknesses, and cultural background, include creating teaching techniques and approaches. In other words, personalized education is the design and use of learning processes that will best appeal to each student.
The 5 steps to be followed to provide efficient personalized learning are as follows;
• Profiling students: For students to set learning goals; It covers guiding them using data such as test results, projects, students’ desires, and attitudes.
• Creating personal learning paths: It aims to provide flexibility to the student in choosing the subjects to learn by using a variety of teaching approaches and providing personal support.
• Competency-based progression: Emphasizes the importance of allowing the student to work on topics appropriate to his or her level and to give them time to fully learn about the subject they are working on before moving on to another topic.
• Creating flexible learning environments: It is to arrange the time, staff, and physical environment to meet the needs of the student.
• Preparing the student for the university and for the future also covers topics such as developing the ability to plan: understanding the skills needed at the university.
So, what are the training that companies/universities add or should add to their training catalog?
- Digital transformation
- Industry 4.0
- Sustainability
- VUCA Leadership
- Storytelling in business life
- Strategic management
- Networking / Relationship Management
- Storytelling
- Nero Leadership
- Agile Organization
You can find a brief explanation of some of the most important training below;
Digital Transformation, Digital Transformation Management:
Digital transformation, which is also described as the fourth industrial revolution today, is realized by the combination of many physical and digital technologies. Regardless of the triggering technological tools, the main purpose of industrial transformations is to increase resource efficiency and productivity and to raise the competitive power of companies to a higher level. The difference between this transformation from others is that it not only provides a change in basic business processes but also reveals smart and connected product concepts and offers new income-generating, service-based business models to the business world. and to reveal the actions that individuals in professional life should take in this transformation process. Digital transformation will be an important milestone for all industries in the future.
VUCA Leadership Training
VUCA leadership is to have a calm management approach when the market or structure is volatile, volatile, or uncertain. The general purpose of VUCA leadership training is to enable leaders to be able to manage this heavy psychology in these periods and to make cold-blooded decisions rather than sudden. It should be added to the company catalog for companies in the financial markets, in the venture capital sector, or for the managers of the financial department of the companies.
Strategic Management Training
In the business world where new challenges are added day by day, it is difficult to position within lean organizations. The general purpose of strategic management training is to show the basic dynamics of strategic management and to teach the basic components of corporate strategic management. Strategic management is an education that is important for all sectors and will affect the accuracy of the decisions taken and the steps are taken.