Digital Credentials

Compliance with Post-Pandemic Digital Certificates

During the pandemic process, more than one issue in our lives has changed in itself, with online education and companies’ transition to online working systems. For example, most companies or schools now wanted to manage their own certification processes and designed their certificates and switched to a smart and online certification system.

Performing certification processes online and with smart certificates has shown very positive effects on online processes. People have been able to spend a lot of time during the pandemic process on the issues they want to develop and do it through online training. At the same time, they were able to share the training they have completed and the skills they have gained through social media, so they have become prestigious in their digital identities. Since most of us want to read on personal development and improve ourselves and make our processes more quality and effective, this process will continue in the same way after the pandemic. For the post-pandemic period, the conditions brought by the current pandemic process regarding personal development will continue, and perhaps the expectations will rise to a higher level through the efficiency obtained in the online process.

If we consider smart certificates and badges from a more environmentally friendly point of view, after the pandemic, the certificates and badges that we previously obtained using paper could be moved to a more digital environment, thus adapting to today’s rapidly changing technology age. When we consider today’s climate problems, a more environmentally friendly policy has been adopted by putting an end to the waste and cost of paper spent before this situation. In addition, since the certification processes have become digital, it has become easier to obtain certificates and badges and to validate the obtained documents. The issue of personal development, which has a greater place in our lives with the pandemic, has been of great importance for people to develop themselves and become the people they want to be by creating competition within the sector. Considering the time we spend on our own development and education in the competition that has arisen, we can realize that every action we take is to make ourselves more equipped and prestigious. In all this development process, our biggest assistants in academic terms have been the certification processes.

Independent from the online education and pandemic process, Digital Badges and Certificates will undoubtedly attract the attention of people and companies, as the digital identity and profiles that a person creates in the coming days help to look more prestigious and equipped. In the post-pandemic process, certificates and badges will be known and used by everyone, and the number of users and demand will increase in the future. Smart certificates and online processes will continue after the pandemic so that people will be able to design their own certification processes, while at the same time they will continue to receive training in the fields they are interested in and make their digital identities more prestigious.

Arda Helvacılar

Greetings, this is Arda. I am the founder of Sertifier and a devoted edtech enthusiast.

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