About Sertifier

Certify Your Training on LMSs with Sertifier!

Certification processes have become very important today with the return of online education, Sertifier facilitates this whole process and enables you to certify with digital certificates and digital badges by integrating the trainings you have received through Thinkific, Moodle, and Canvas, the auxiliary training applications on Online Education used. It is a one-to-one certificate management application to use the learning management system or e-learning platform by integrating the B2B API library. With the Online Education system, which came into our lives during the pandemic process, students, newly graduated and currently working people, who work and continue their school life from home, discovered the practicality of obtaining digital certificates and digital badges easily by following the process on their computers at home. Upon this situation, the demand from both companies and people has increased, so the sector including certification processes has expanded. In this process, you can also choose Sertifier for your certification processes, and with the following steps, you can certify with digital certificates and digital badges by integrating the trainings you have received through Thinkific, Moodle, and Canvas, the auxiliary training applications on Online Education you are currently using.

To do this, first, after logging into Sertifier’s site, it is sufficient to click on the integrations text at the bottom of the page and under the features shown in the figure.


Afterward, you can reach the page you want by pressing the Integrations with Sertifier button from the appropriate section of which of the online education assistant applications shown in the picture below. Upon entering your user information, Sertifier will initiate the integration process.

In addition, for special integrations, you can easily integrate with Sertifier’s API library and perform your integration process in a very short and easy way without changing anything.

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Sertifier, which is preferred by more than 1000 institutions and academies for sending certificates and badges, will initiate and integrate the certification process with the most suitable integration system for you after you do this.

So how does Sertifier handle this process in itself? First of all, the user’s time is very important for Sertifier. Thanks to the user’s smart certificate and badge tools, it can keep everything that comes to mind in a certificate and badge just a few minutes away. Afterward, the user can increase their online visibility and strengthen their own brand identity with the opportunity to share on social platforms.

Finally, Sertifier offers its users the opportunity to use analysis tools for tracking purposes, thus preventing the certificates and badges that have been distributed from being mixed into space, and at the same time, it makes it more organized and practical by automatically tracking these created documents.

With Sertifier, digital certificate and digital badge integration from your online education platforms such as Moodle, Thinkific, Canvas is carried out in such an easy way. You can log in to the website to use Sertifier, which is preferred by more than 1000 institutions and academies for sending certificates and badges, which is reliable and at the same time can handle the entire certification process professionally.

Ege Yalçınkaya

Hi there, this is Ege, I’m the GM of Sertifier Inc. where we are on a mission to make education accessible for all.

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