Case Studies

Case Study: Role of Credentials in On-The-Job Training

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SAGA Wisdom in Energy is a digital online learning solution for the energy industry. SAGA provides general education and on-the-job training for workers within the sector, including a wide range of topics like health and safety, job skills, leadership, and management development. SAGA, a growing company providing digital online learning solutions for the energy industry, licensed its product about two and a half years ago. They now have 41 energy companies on their platform, including multinational companies.

The SAGA team, who sees the importance of skills development in the energy sector as they started this business, also issues credentials to its trainees for the training they provide to benefit both the employees and the industry. Before adopting Sertifier as its credential management automation tool, SAGA manufactured its digital credentials by implementing a manually designed process.

In this case study, you will read sections from the webinar we held with Dylan Lougheed, Co-Founder & COO at SAGA Wisdom, and learn more about implementing digital credentials for on-the-job training!

Skills Development and Digital Credentials

Skills development is especially important for people who work in growing and ever-changing industries. Professionals may need to learn mostly on the job, and they need to learn quickly to be up-to-date. At this point, digital credentials address a critical need for the modern workforce and industries.

Professionals need to be able to document their skills and achievements. It’s essential to know their skills, validate that they’re up-to-date and relevant, and show how they can use those skills in the workplace. This is particularly important for industries in which there are large numbers of workers with obsolete skills.

At this point, employers and employees turn to general education and on-the-job training to reduce the skill gap in their industries. Including digital credentials as a skill verification tool in these processes creates significant value for both parties.

Importance of Digital Credentials for the Workforce:

Evidence: Having evidence of professional interest and involvement provides an opportunity to showcase professionals’ achievements throughout their careers.

Verified Information: Having digital credentials that host unique, verified, and reliable information for each individual is extremely valuable in career and resume building.

Motivation: Recognition and proving an achievement motivates professionals to attend specific training and acquire certain skills to stay up-to-date.

In addition, the inclusion of digital credentials in work-related training has a vital role in the general development and improvement of industries.

Importance of Digital Credentials for the Industry:

Measuring Progress: Employers can track the progress and success of employees in the workforce, which will help employers make better decisions about their workforce and improve their productivity.

Time-efficiency: Digital credentials streamline the time and effort required to train employees. Training can focus on each employee’s skill gaps, making it more effective and relevant to the workplace.

Reduced Risk & Improved Effectiveness: Traceability of digital credentials ensures that the knowledge/skill gap in the workforce can be tracked and avoided. This is a great insight tool to minimize the risks and margin of error that the said vulnerability may create in business operations and turn it into safety and profitability.

SAGA & Sertifier

The energy industry is massive, with millions of employees worldwide. And upskilling and reskilling are critical to achieving energy security and meeting net zero emissions targets.

SAGA Wisdom operates as a digital online learning solution for the energy industry to cover this need for upskilling and provide all sorts of training for professionals who work in the energy sector.

SAGA Wisdom determines the most suitable training programs and the most suitable training format for the partner companies that apply to them and creates the most suitable learning plan for the partnered company and its employees.

Based on the aforementioned focus, employees complete their training with several attended courses, assignments, and tests. At this point, SAGA Wisdom gives certificates to all participants regarding the training they have received and the skills they have acquired. However, the SAGA team encountered several problems while manually handling the certification process before they started using Sertifier.

The fact that the credentialing process wasn’t being handled in a time- efficient and easy way created a workload that must be overcome, and the necessity of automating this process became apparent.

“ The pain point for us was we were issuing manually a lot of certificates, and that obviously takes a lot of time. It’s a wasteful exercise. So we started looking at solutions, and we came to a decision pretty fast on Sertifier.”

Dylan Lougheed, Co-Founder at SAGA Wisdom

SAGA Wisdom, which wants to distribute its credentials automatically and quickly, crosses paths with Sertifier in search of a digital credentialing vendor.

Why Sertifier?

One of SAGA’s primary pursuits in this process was to find a solution that they could quickly implement into their business plans. Dylan indicates that their search took a short time as Sertifier had everything they were looking for, unlike other tools. Thanks to the efforts of the Sertifier team, digital credentialing quickly became a part of SAGA’s training.

“ To be honest, we didn’t find out a lot of tools out there that had more or less what we needed. Normally when you’re searching for different tools, and I’ve done this a lot, you’ll find, you know, each tool’s got something that you want, but not everything. And so that’s it. It was as simple as that for us. We didn’t take too much time. And I’m being completely honest here. It was quick.”

Dylan Lougheed, Co-Founder at SAGA Wisdom

With nearly 2000 assignment completions each month, SAGA has sent more than 600 certificates with Sertifier so far. The fact that the whole process is fully automatic has made a considerable difference for SAGA.

“Now we’ve issued 600+ certificates and that number is just going to keep increasing. The benefit for us is it’s almost automatic now. We just don’t have to do a lot of work to continue to increase the number of certificates we’re using. It’s all tied in through the API back to Sertifier. So when a new course comes out, there’s a certificate for that. When someone completes the course, they’re automatically notified. It’s pretty straightforward.”

Dylan Lougheed, Co-Founder at SAGA Wisdom

The 3 prominent features of Sertifier according to Dylan are as follows:

1- Shareable Credentials
One of the most essential values for trainees is that their new skills can be publicly shared. Credentials issued with Sertifier can be shared on LinkedIn with one click.

“Now we’ve issued 600+ certificates and that number is just going to keep increasing. The benefit for us is it’s almost automatic now. We just don’t have to do a lot of work to continue to increase the number of certificates we’re using. It’s all tied in through the API back to Sertifier. So when a new course comes out, there’s a certificate for that. When someone completes the course, they’re automatically notified. It’s pretty straightforward.”

Dylan Lougheed, Co-Founder at SAGA Wisdom

2- Easy Implementation of Business Plan
User adaptation carries the utmost importance for Sertifier team. Sertifier quickly adapts to your business plan and company.

“Sometimes we would say: “Oh, it would be great if Sertifier had this feature” and we’d go to ask you guys. But then there were one or two instances where you guys have already added it.”

Dylan Lougheed, Co-Founder at SAGA Wisdom

3- Ease of Use
Sertifier aims to provide simple yet effective solutions for the ultimate user experience.


SAGA Wisdom provides training in different formats to upskill and reskill energy industry professionals as a digital online learning solution for the energy industry. They also issue certificates for their training as they see the value it creates for the workforce and the industry in several ways.

Wanting to eliminate the excessive work created by the manual credentialing process and to produce more automated solutions, SAGA Wisdom started to work with Sertifier and has issued more than 600
digital credentials in a short time.

We are proud to partner with SAGA to promote digital credentials and transform skills-based workforce readiness and evidence-based progress tracking in their growing industry.

If you’re wondering how to integrate Sertifier into your business plan, we have a great team looking forward to contacting you!

Ege Yalçınkaya

Hi there, this is Ege, I’m the GM of Sertifier Inc. where we are on a mission to make education accessible for all.

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