
How to Create Digital Products? (Full Overview)

It is not by mere chance that the surge in selling digital products has unfolded as one of the most transformative shifts in modern commerce. More and more entrepreneurs and creators are capitalizing on the power of knowledge, creativity, and expertise to craft products that will entice online shopping desire. This article will explain how to create digital products for e-commerce stores.

These digital products, from e-books to online courses, from software to design assets, require minimal upfront investment while offering significant scalability and profitability. As a result, the appeal of this field is undeniable, opening the doors to passive revenue streams that operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Micro-credentials which validate specific skills or competencies, have become a vital part of the digital economy. In a driven marketplace where technological knowledge is prominent, integrating micro-credentials into your digital product portfolio enhances both credibility and marketability. This strategic addition ensures that your offerings stand out in a sea of generic content, addressing the demands of a discerning audience eager to invest in verifiable, skill-based products.

As we explore the essentials of creating digital products, let us begin by addressing the fundamental question: What are “Digital Products”?

What do we mean by “Digital Products”?

how to create digital products

A digital product is any intangible item that exists purely in digital form and can be accessed through electronic devices like computers, smartphones, or tablets. Unlike physical products, digital products have no physical presence, yet they serve as valuable assets that can be created, distributed, and consumed entirely online. This broad category encompasses a wide range of items such as eBooks, software, templates, music, and online courses.

The inherent flexibility and scalability of digital products make them a highly attractive proposition for creators and consumers alike. Once a digital product is developed, it can be replicated endlessly without any additional production costs, allowing it to be distributed to a potentially unlimited audience. Moreover, digital products are highly customizable; creators can easily update or modify them to meet evolving demands or customer feedback. This adaptability, combined with the lack of physical constraints, makes digital products a particularly efficient and cost-effective solution for modern businesses aiming to expand their offerings or generate passive income.

Furthermore, digital products are often more accessible to consumers than their physical counterparts. Buyers can instantly download or stream these products upon purchase, eliminating the need for shipping or delays. This immediacy enhances the overall customer experience, contributing to the growing popularity of digital goods in today’s market. With the rise of e-commerce platforms, creative entrepreneurs and businesses can now reach a global audience, selling their digital products around the clock with minimal effort.

Types of Digital Products


Digital products come in a variety of forms, each catering to different audiences and industries. Below are some of the most common and in-demand types of digital products in today’s market:

Online Courses

The demand for online learning has skyrocketed in recent years, making online courses one of the most sought-after digital products. These courses typically consist of video lessons, reading materials, quizzes, and downloadable resources, allowing learners to gain new skills at their own pace. Educators and professionals can package their expertise into structured modules and deliver their content through platforms like Teachable or Thinkific.

Software and Mobile Apps

Software applications and mobile apps are powerful tools that serve various needs, from productivity to entertainment. These digital products offer solutions to specific problems or provide new functionalities, making them highly valuable for businesses and individual users alike. Whether it’s project management tools or niche mobile games, the demand for user-friendly software is consistently high.


Ebooks remain a staple in the digital product world due to their versatility and ease of creation. Authors, thought leaders, and educators can share their knowledge or stories in digital book format, making them accessible to a global audience. Platforms like Amazon Kindle have made it easier than ever to self-publish and distribute ebooks, allowing creators to retain control over their sales and distribution.

Digital Templates and Printables 

Digital templates are pre-designed formats that help users complete tasks more efficiently, such as business plans, resumes, or marketing materials. Printables, on the other hand, are files that can be downloaded and printed by the customer, such as planners, calendars, and art prints. Both products are highly customizable and can be sold through marketplaces like Etsy or Creative Market.

Membership Sites and Subscription Services 

A growing number of entrepreneurs are turning to membership sites and subscription models to offer exclusive content or services. Whether it’s a site offering premium articles, educational resources, or community access, this model provides ongoing value to customers in exchange for a recurring fee. Membership sites create long-term customer relationships and offer the financial stability of continuous revenue.

Music, Audio, and Podcasts

Digital audio products encompass music tracks, sound effects, and podcasts. Creators can monetize their work by selling it as standalone tracks or licensing it for commercial use. Podcasts, in particular, have exploded in popularity, allowing creators to reach a global audience with their expertise, interviews, or entertainment content. Digital music platforms and podcast hosting services provide easy distribution methods to millions of potential listeners.

Web Elements and Plugins

For web developers and designers, digital products like WordPress themes, plugins, and web elements are essential tools that enhance the functionality and appearance of websites. These products offer users the ability to customize and improve their online platforms, making them popular choices in the digital marketplace. Developers can sell their creations directly to consumers or through dedicated platforms such as ThemeForest.

Designs and Graphics

Creators with a flair for design can sell digital artwork and graphic designs, such as logos, illustrations, and vector graphics. These products are widely used by businesses, marketers, and content creators looking to elevate their branding efforts. 


Printables represent a unique category where customers purchase digital files with the intent to print them out at home. Common examples include planners, calendars, journals, and decorative artwork. These digital files offer customers flexibility and convenience, allowing them to personalize and use the products for various purposes. Printables have become particularly popular on platforms like Etsy, where creators can sell their designs to a wide audience.

Digital products offer endless possibilities for creators, allowing them to turn their knowledge, skills, or creativity into highly scalable offerings. Now that we have learned what digital products are and their varieties, we can begin our journey into the world of digital product creation. With a clear understanding of the various opportunities that exist, it’s time to explore the steps involved in turning your ideas into reality and creating a product that resonates with your target audience and brings you long-term success. 

Let’s dive into the practical aspects of how to create your own digital products.

1. Pick Your Niche


Selecting the right niche is the foundation upon which a successful digital product business is built, and it goes far beyond simply choosing a profitable area. Your niche should be a sweet spot where your passions, skills, and market demand intersect. The digital product space is vast, and while it may be tempting to chase a seemingly lucrative niche, it’s crucial to select one that addresses a gap in the market and sparks your enthusiasm. After all, in the realm of digital entrepreneurship, you are your own boss and long-term sustainability hinges on choosing something you genuinely enjoy. When you are passionate about what you do, it becomes easier to weather the ups and downs, and it ensures that you’ll stay committed in the long haul.

Moreover, the niche you choose should offer room for innovation and problem-solving. Even in highly competitive markets, there are often gaps or unaddressed pain points that you can capitalize on. The trick is not just to follow the crowd, but to offer a fresh perspective or a more effective solution. By focusing on a niche that allows you to both leverage your strengths and meet a real need, you position yourself to create a product that resonates deeply with your audience. And because digital selling relies heavily on your own drive and initiative, selecting a niche that aligns with your interests will make the journey much more fulfilling.

2. Conduct Market Research


Just as in the world of physical product creation, the success of a digital product hinges on a thorough and well-executed market analysis. Before diving into product development, it’s critical to understand the landscape in which your product will exist. Conducting comprehensive market research allows you to grasp the demand within your chosen niche identify key competitors and pinpoint the specific problems your target audience faces. Without this foundational research, you risk launching a product that doesn’t resonate with your audience or, worse, gets lost in a sea of competitors.

Market research for digital products requires the same level of diligence as traditional product development. You must investigate what your audience is searching for, the pain points they are experiencing, and how your competitors are addressing or failing to address those issues. The goal is to uncover a unique opportunity: a gap in the market where your product can step in as the solution customers are willing to pay for. Tools such as Google Trends, keyword planners, and social media listening platforms can be invaluable in gauging current trends and understanding what your target demographic is actively seeking.

3. Understand Your Target Audience


Truly understanding your target audience is the bedrock of any successful digital product. To connect with your customers on a meaningful level, you must go beyond the surface of who they are and delve into what makes them tick. Crafting a detailed buyer persona is an essential first step in this process. This persona should include demographic factors like age, location, income, and profession and psychographic insights such as their goals, pain points, and shopping behaviors. By having a clear picture of your audience’s challenges and aspirations, you position yourself to create a product that speaks directly to their needs.

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes; what are they struggling with? What keeps them up at night? By empathizing with your audience, you can better understand the problems they face and how your product can provide a real solution. This means going beyond assumptions and digging into the specifics of their daily lives. Conducting surveys, engaging in one-on-one conversations, and interacting with your audience on social media are invaluable methods for gathering these insights. The more you understand their pain points, the more effectively you can tailor your product to meet those needs.

4. Write a Positioning Statement


A positioning statement is the backbone of how you communicate your product’s value. It should clearly define who your product is for, the problem it solves, and how it stands out from competitors. This statement serves as a guide for both product development and marketing, keeping your messaging focused and consistent. By capturing the unique benefits and features of your product, it ensures that your communication stays aligned across all platforms, from customer interactions to influencer collaborations.

A well-crafted positioning statement helps maintain a unified message, building trust and recognition with your target audience. It acts as a foundation for all your marketing efforts, ensuring every piece of content reinforces the same narrative. Whether you’re writing social media posts or pitching to partners, this statement keeps your communication sharp and on point, helping your product carve out a distinct identity in a crowded market.

5. Set Competitive Pricing


Setting the right price for your digital product is a critical step that can greatly influence its success. When you’re just starting, it’s often wise to price slightly below your top competitors to capture the interest of early adopters. However, the key is to ensure that your pricing still reflects the value you’re delivering. You don’t want to undercut your product’s worth, but rather offer a price that balances affordability with perceived quality. Pricing strategies such as tiered models for subscription services or offering limited-time discounts can help stimulate initial sales and build momentum.

Another effective psychological pricing tactic is “charm pricing,” where you reduce the leftmost digit by one to make the price feel significantly lower. For example, $49 instead of $50. This simple trick can trigger a perception of savings and value. Additionally, using bundle pricing can be an attractive marketing technique. By offering multiple digital products together at a discounted rate, you create the illusion of greater value, encouraging customers to spend more while feeling like they’re getting a better deal. These subtle pricing strategies play a powerful role in influencing buying decisions, helping you maximize both sales and customer satisfaction.

6. Set Up a Waiting List


While not a mandatory step, setting up a waiting list can be a valuable alternative to validate your product idea and gauge interest before your official launch. By creating a landing page that invites potential customers to sign up, you build a sense of anticipation and exclusivity around your product. Offering incentives like early access, special discounts, or exclusive content can further motivate people to join your list, giving you a clearer idea of how much demand there is for your product.

This approach also allows you to establish a direct line of communication with interested leads, which you can nurture through targeted email marketing campaigns. Engaging these early subscribers with regular updates, sneak peeks, or personalized content helps keep their interest alive while you finalize your product. Though optional, a waiting list can serve as a powerful tool for generating pre-launch excitement and ensuring a strong start when your digital product is ready for release.

7. Post Free Content


Content marketing is a powerful way to attract potential customers and generate traffic to your product landing page. Offering free content, whether through blog posts, videos, social media updates, or downloadable resources, positions you as an authority in your niche and helps you build a dedicated following. The key is to tailor your content to the specific needs and challenges of your target audience. By providing insights or partial solutions to their problems, you leave your audience wanting more, naturally drawing them toward your digital product as a comprehensive solution.

It’s essential to align the type of free content you offer with both your audience’s preferences and the nature of your product. For instance, if you’re offering a digital course, sharing educational blog posts or video tutorials may be the most effective way to demonstrate your expertise. On the other hand, if your product is more visual, like design templates or digital art, showcasing your work through platforms like Instagram or Pinterest could resonate better. By carefully crafting content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs, you create a pathway that leads them from free value to paid solutions, making your digital product a natural next step in their journey.

8. Create a Prototype Model


Before diving headfirst into the full development of your digital product, it’s wise to first create a Prototype Model, often referred to as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or beta version. This step acts as a litmus test for your idea, allowing you to put your product into the hands of a small, controlled audience. By doing so, you can gather invaluable feedback on its functionality, usability, and overall appeal. Think of it as your product’s trial run, where any bugs, shortcomings, or gaps can be identified and addressed before the final launch.

An MVP is not about perfection but about validating your product’s core concept. It offers you the opportunity to fine-tune and iterate based on real user experience, ensuring that when your product hits the wider market, it aligns perfectly with customer expectations. The insights gained from this testing phase are worth their weight in gold, allowing you to improve user experience, address overlooked details, and ensure that your product truly delivers. Additionally, testimonials from early testers can provide valuable social proof, which bolsters your credibility and enhances trust when you officially launch. In short, an MVP allows you to iron out the kinks while building anticipation, setting the stage for a smooth and successful full release.

9. Launch and Sell Your Digital Products


Now comes the exciting part—launching your digital product to the rest of the world, marketing it effectively, and watching your business take off. Think of the launch as your product’s grand debut, the moment it steps onto the stage. Choosing the right platform to host and sell your product is key to setting the tone for this debut. You can opt for established online marketplaces like Etsy or Amazon, which come with built-in audiences, or you might prefer to go the independent route by creating your own e-commerce website. Whatever platform you choose, ensure it aligns with your brand and allows you to control your pricing, customer data, and overall presentation.

Once your product is live, marketing becomes your most valuable ally. A strong landing page will serve as the cornerstone of your promotional efforts, but it’s just the beginning. Leveraging social media to create buzz, building an email list to engage with prospective buyers, and tapping into content marketing are all essential strategies. Don’t just stop at posting once; be consistent, and use various forms of content like videos, infographics, and blogs to capture attention. The more touchpoints you create with your audience, the more likely they are to convert from curious browsers into paying customers. As the saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind,” so keep your product front and center in creative and authentic ways.

After your product has hit the market, collecting feedback is crucial to refining your offering. Engaging with your customers through their reviews, conducting surveys, and paying attention to both the praise and the criticism. Negative feedback, while tough to hear, is often where you’ll find your biggest opportunities for improvement. Positive testimonials, on the other hand, are golden since they act as social proof and can be repurposed to attract even more customers. Remember, the most successful creators never rest on their laurels; they listen, adapt, and continuously evolve, ensuring that their products remain relevant and valuable in the market.

In conclusion, creating and selling digital products opens up a wealth of opportunities for those willing to dive into this operation. With the right combination of different strategies, you can develop a product that addresses market demands and resonates deeply with your customers. Each step in the process plays a critical role in ensuring your product’s long-term success. As highlighted earlier, micro-credentials have emerged as a vital component of the digital economy, offering individuals and businesses alike the ability to validate specific skills or expertise in a way that adds measurable value. By integrating Sertifier into your digital product ecosystem, you can elevate the credibility of your offerings to a whole new level.

Barış Bingöl

Barış Bingöl is the Chief Marketing Officer at Sertifier Inc. and works each day to build bridges between their products & services and the individuals & institutions that benefit from them.

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