Skills Management

The Most Important Skills Your Staff Should Acquire in 2021

The world has begun to change much faster since the day it met the internet. This speed brings with it trends. Catching these trends can be very important in all matters. Especially the business world is a highly competitive sector. What determines who will win this competition is the one who catches the trends first and who will keep up with these trends first. For this reason, companies expect their employees, like them, to follow these trends closely and have the skills that trends bring along.

The year 2021 has been from remote working year for most companies. This working model brought along the necessity of acquiring new skills for employees. These skills may include:

Problem Solving Skills

This skill is now among the most indispensable skills of today. Especially in 2020, the transition to the remote working system brought many new problems, so the perspective and solution skills of your employees have become a very important skill. An employee who shows that he can solve problems effectively regardless of the job description immediately catches the eye and stands out. When the problem-solving skills of all employees like this are developed, the business will be able to take faster and more accurate actions in the analysis and solution generation phase of the works that are seen as potential problems. The ability of the workforce to work with people who do not need much guidance, can take initiative, provides great efficiency for many businesses.

Ability to Work in Team

Teamwork is a must in a business. Especially for remote work. This is because the heavy workload of most businesses will mean a density that no one can handle alone. For this reason, businesses that can overcome heavy workload by teamwork are always businesses with high potential to be successful. Working with people who are prone to teamwork can reduce the disadvantages of working remotely as much as possible, especially in these times when remote working is very common.

Written communication

With the help of remote work, most of the communication has been written down, except for online conferences. That’s why the propensity to write like a conversation has permeated mainstream communication channels and even business correspondence. However, an e-mail full of everyday language words and spelling mistakes will put both the person and the organization in a very bad situation. This situation is perceived by the buyer as insufficient professionalism and disrespect, and the company’s image is damaged. Business communication should always be jargon-free, clear, concise and clear. Employees who do not have this skill inadvertently harm their companies. Correct written communication is a skill that every employee should have.


Companies recruit creative, dynamic and innovative employees for interviews. They want their employees to apply new ideas and think outside the box, although it doesn’t seem like this most of the time. As an employee, you need to help your organization turn data into information. With the transition to remote work, companies have once again grasped the importance of creative solutions.

Arda Helvacılar

Greetings, this is Arda. I am the founder of Sertifier and a devoted edtech enthusiast.

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