2020 Wrapped BUT It’s For EDUCATION
You have all seen the “2020” wrapped posts going around. But this is the one you should pay very close attention to. If you are an educator, you’ve already seen some of the effects 2020 had on education, but we guarantee that you have not them all… As a company that serves institutions issue smart (digital) certificates, we had a unique perspective on education this year and wanted to share the things we found out! Don’t worry, it’s completely free. Here’s the table of content:
What is traditional education and eLearning as we imagine it?……………………………….2
Interesting numbers and what they mean behind-the-scenes………………………………….3
Google search trend graphics of words such as:……………………………………………………..5
Questions that arise after the crisis……………………………………………………………………….7
What about positive things?…………………………………………………………………………………8
And here’s the report:
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